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The City of Cleveland is excited to be working on the city’s parks and recreation plan. The plan will create a 15-year roadmap that ensures just and fair capital investment in parks and recreation, provides equitable connections to quality parks and recreation, and meets the needs of city residents, community groups, stakeholders, and city leadership now and into the future!

Thank you!

Thank you to those who attended our May open houses, took the online survey, or participated in one of the other engagement events!

Your input on draft elements of the Parks & Recreation Plan is helping to refine the plan’s recommendations.

Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Gunning Park Recreation Center Open House July 26, 2023
Zelma Watson George Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Zelma Watson George Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Zelma Watson George Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Zelma Watson George Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Zelma Watson George Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Zelma Watson George Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Camp Forbes
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center Open House July 27, 2023
Cleveland Public Library South Branch Open House July 29, 2023
Cleveland Public Library South Branch Open House July 29, 2023
Cleveland Public Library South Branch Open House July 29, 2023
Cleveland Public Library South Branch Open House July 29, 2023

Community Needs Assessment

The Community Needs Assessment summarizes the biggest parks and recreation needs identified by residents, community groups, partner organizations, and city leadership during the first round of engagement.

Check it out!

Cleveland Parks and Recreation
By the Numbers

Neighborhood Resource & Recreation Centers
Arts, Education, Sports & Wellness Programs
Residential Camp (Camp Forbes)
Cultural Arts Center (Cudell)
Tennis Courts
Baseball Fields
Basketball Courts
Swimming Pools
Loop Trails
Multi-Purpose Fields
Splash Pads
Rectangular Fields
Golf Course
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